Friday 26 June 2020

UK trade is set to choose new lines

With its population spread vast and wide cargo exchange becomes part and parcel

There are many changes going to take place in the trade side of the UK and with it, other areas are also going to automatically adjust to the flow. As now Brexit has taken place India and UK both are keen to adjust a favourable deal. 
There are many things that are to be taken into consideration still both of these are ready to do it. But despite the keen interest things are not that easy and especially for the UK. Britain has to give up many things and may have to build many lies to keep this relation. You see how ironic it has become. 
Indians used to do this before the independence in India and its separation from Pakistan. But now some of the things the UK has to believe for becoming a favourable trade partner of India through sea and Air Cargo. This country was before the COVID-19 disaster set to become a leading figure in international trade and there was no stopping to it. 
The image of this country was disturbed due to Kashmir curfew and now everything is at the halt. Now only the future could decide what is going to happen in every field of life.

Why trade agreement is difficult with India

The main reason is to get to a point where India and UK are happy and still the independent state remains. What India demands is going to put the question on lots of things inside the UK. 
The major one is the trained manpower which is coming from outside than in then in the inside. So the UK is after a balanced deal but India wants to have as much leniency in Student Enrolment and the government has imposed some restrictions to give the opportunity to its own students. 
But in whatever way both these put it ultimately they are dependent on many things on each other and they cannot afford a conflict.

After so many years doing business in India is still difficult

This has been a consistent barrier to open and Foreign Trade in India. And the factor is not only restricted to UK other countries get to face the same. As time has passed nothing much has changed. The ones who get in power in India are so powerful and follow strict norms that it becomes difficult to introduce a new thing. 
For every region, one has to change the strategy of campaign and technique as well. But now there are people appointed to make it easy to adjust. Still, there are some barriers the new business has to face.

Better quality means good business
Before the deadline of Brexit was due the UK improved the products to export to India. But what was the reason behind? A simple one and that is to increase the market in India and it did happen. 
So to tell the world that how the much UK is capable of the attitude do change. So if the UK can maintain the standard there will surely be an increase in sale and demand. And with many things in common, there will be no stopping in the future in trade among these two.