Wednesday 8 August 2018

The UK can face a Restrained Movement of Air and Land

Cargo Business

Logistic being a very important sector in UK trade

It is not only concerned with the UK alone. In fact, logistics is an important sector no matter moving of goods in which area or country we are talking about. There should be a proper agreement in this separate division so that no restriction of taking trade goods or cargo exchange from one territory to another could happen.

There is an expected no deal Brexit which is becoming obvious in the present scenario until unless there is a mid-way found by the UK. The territories of EU countries are important for this country trade and any sort of cargo traffic.

It is being suggested by a supplier that there can be separate agreements for separate sectors so that they can get secured. Air and road traffic need access to these borders so as to transport from or to the UK if this access is somehow hindered it will be dangerous.

Keeping certain points in mind the UK government should try to negotiate a proper plan. It is difficult to function alone globally and trading is certainly one of such areas.

UK and Brexit Relation

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A major blow for businesses

It is refer to where the businesses are associated with EU countries. When there will be a land and airway limitation such companies will face degradation which is certainly not good for the individuals as well as the country on the whole.

It is an obvious demand as security is what becomes essential when especially being important to a certain sector. No one can give his best when the situations are not trustworthy. That is why they need surety that their future is secure so that they can decide what way to go.

The restriction will be severe as planes of 44 countries will not be given legal permission to land or depart from the UK. To be independent in any sense is not an easy task to achieve; the government should buckle up to get the most out of the time left.

Air Cargo

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The delay, in fact, a total loss

The ‘priorities’ that are being stressed from the very start are now making situations more complex for Britain. What makes the base of any trade or cargo exchange is the free movement between the borders which means easy access to the companies working in collaboration.

The free trade agreement will end by 2019 March and if something positive is not achieved till then, then it will affect the trade for which this whole exit triggered.

Cargo Situation

The situation creating an optimistic approach

To get rid of the supply shortage problem in the UK, there can be a chance of stocking up things so that the things can go right if, for instance, the supply gets late. It is a huge opportunity for the real estate as more and more space is required for the purpose.

The related developers and investors will raise their prices to have as much advantage as they are able to dig up and make money out of it. The plans are already underway to cash the situation if the moment comes.

Monday 6 August 2018

Serious Efforts to improve UK Ports

UK Ports

Government and Port collaboration being stressed

One of the major requirements of establishing the country like an independent trading unit is the ports. There is no doubt that there are many developed ports in the UK but still, there are some that need serious attention. The basic problem is the lack of cooperation between the ports and government which is causing many problems.

However, there is a very optimistic approach that these problems are not impossible to be solved. However, in isolation, the port sector cannot solve them. Both sides need to make clear their stance regarding this. Ports have to communicate the authorities their problem areas so that there can be fruitful outcomes.

Government is ready to help in any way as every sector has to be standing strong for any type of situation which is soon to come their way. After the exit, there will be no laws of EU that can be implemented and the UK government has to take control to get better out of their ports.

Not only the problems are within a ship, there are issues outside the ports that are to be resolved for better transportation connectivity.

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Planning consideration for the ports

Sea Ports Planning

A strong planning is needed so as to make this trading sector more capable. The government is also asked to give their share in this process. They are sure to find a better way for the process if help is given.

Also, there was a decrease in bulk handling during the period 2001-2016 which is as claimed by the managing director Chris Rowland rising steadily since 2016 and expected to do so till 2020.

But according to him, this rate is going to decline again till 2030. But despite the assumption, the major concern is to make facilities better at the ports it is possible to change the scenario being presented.

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UK ports and Brexit

UK and Brexit Relation

Now, there were EU laws that were regulating the trade issues in the UK and as a part of the treaty they were to follow them and everything was going fine. After the agreement is terminated there has to be more role from the British side especially if the free movement scenario is not kept as it is.

The issues associated with the environment, animal and public protection is the main concerns. Everything related to these three sections that are going to the UK has to be under strict control so that any harmful product cannot enter the ports.

The best way to adopt

Sea Cargo

For safer side efforts should be made to convince EU for maintaining the agreement. This agreement is also favourable for the EU countries to maintain trade with the UK if they agree. A free trade is favoured by many as it reduces the tariffs to give way to a more profitable business.

The common quality and safety standards that are shared by EU and UK are very helpful and it makes the work easy to keep a check. These are commonly known by other countries and following a set standard is easy rather than making a whole lot of new regulations.