Wednesday 8 August 2018

The UK can face a Restrained Movement of Air and Land

Cargo Business

Logistic being a very important sector in UK trade

It is not only concerned with the UK alone. In fact, logistics is an important sector no matter moving of goods in which area or country we are talking about. There should be a proper agreement in this separate division so that no restriction of taking trade goods or cargo exchange from one territory to another could happen.

There is an expected no deal Brexit which is becoming obvious in the present scenario until unless there is a mid-way found by the UK. The territories of EU countries are important for this country trade and any sort of cargo traffic.

It is being suggested by a supplier that there can be separate agreements for separate sectors so that they can get secured. Air and road traffic need access to these borders so as to transport from or to the UK if this access is somehow hindered it will be dangerous.

Keeping certain points in mind the UK government should try to negotiate a proper plan. It is difficult to function alone globally and trading is certainly one of such areas.

UK and Brexit Relation

Parcels to India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to India at the lowest rates online, for more info

A major blow for businesses

It is refer to where the businesses are associated with EU countries. When there will be a land and airway limitation such companies will face degradation which is certainly not good for the individuals as well as the country on the whole.

It is an obvious demand as security is what becomes essential when especially being important to a certain sector. No one can give his best when the situations are not trustworthy. That is why they need surety that their future is secure so that they can decide what way to go.

The restriction will be severe as planes of 44 countries will not be given legal permission to land or depart from the UK. To be independent in any sense is not an easy task to achieve; the government should buckle up to get the most out of the time left.

Air Cargo

For More Details: air cargo service from UK to India at cheapest online rates.

The delay, in fact, a total loss

The ‘priorities’ that are being stressed from the very start are now making situations more complex for Britain. What makes the base of any trade or cargo exchange is the free movement between the borders which means easy access to the companies working in collaboration.

The free trade agreement will end by 2019 March and if something positive is not achieved till then, then it will affect the trade for which this whole exit triggered.

Cargo Situation

The situation creating an optimistic approach

To get rid of the supply shortage problem in the UK, there can be a chance of stocking up things so that the things can go right if, for instance, the supply gets late. It is a huge opportunity for the real estate as more and more space is required for the purpose.

The related developers and investors will raise their prices to have as much advantage as they are able to dig up and make money out of it. The plans are already underway to cash the situation if the moment comes.

Monday 6 August 2018

Serious Efforts to improve UK Ports

UK Ports

Government and Port collaboration being stressed

One of the major requirements of establishing the country like an independent trading unit is the ports. There is no doubt that there are many developed ports in the UK but still, there are some that need serious attention. The basic problem is the lack of cooperation between the ports and government which is causing many problems.

However, there is a very optimistic approach that these problems are not impossible to be solved. However, in isolation, the port sector cannot solve them. Both sides need to make clear their stance regarding this. Ports have to communicate the authorities their problem areas so that there can be fruitful outcomes.

Government is ready to help in any way as every sector has to be standing strong for any type of situation which is soon to come their way. After the exit, there will be no laws of EU that can be implemented and the UK government has to take control to get better out of their ports.

Not only the problems are within a ship, there are issues outside the ports that are to be resolved for better transportation connectivity.

Parcels to India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to India at the lowest rates online, for more info

Planning consideration for the ports

Sea Ports Planning

A strong planning is needed so as to make this trading sector more capable. The government is also asked to give their share in this process. They are sure to find a better way for the process if help is given.

Also, there was a decrease in bulk handling during the period 2001-2016 which is as claimed by the managing director Chris Rowland rising steadily since 2016 and expected to do so till 2020.

But according to him, this rate is going to decline again till 2030. But despite the assumption, the major concern is to make facilities better at the ports it is possible to change the scenario being presented.

These companies are offering sea cargo service from UK to India at cheapest online rates but with professional handling and setting new standards of services across India.

UK ports and Brexit

UK and Brexit Relation

Now, there were EU laws that were regulating the trade issues in the UK and as a part of the treaty they were to follow them and everything was going fine. After the agreement is terminated there has to be more role from the British side especially if the free movement scenario is not kept as it is.

The issues associated with the environment, animal and public protection is the main concerns. Everything related to these three sections that are going to the UK has to be under strict control so that any harmful product cannot enter the ports.

The best way to adopt

Sea Cargo

For safer side efforts should be made to convince EU for maintaining the agreement. This agreement is also favourable for the EU countries to maintain trade with the UK if they agree. A free trade is favoured by many as it reduces the tariffs to give way to a more profitable business.

The common quality and safety standards that are shared by EU and UK are very helpful and it makes the work easy to keep a check. These are commonly known by other countries and following a set standard is easy rather than making a whole lot of new regulations.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Who is in Trouble due to Brexit, India or UK?


Or is it both going to suffer at their ends due to the exit

As the time is nearing there is more confusion seen within the country and its trading associates. Some may not suffer directly but there are those who are going to be influenced due to either a positive outcome or a negative one.

These things are very obvious and the effect they will put on the masses comes with it also. India and the UK are very firm in promoting and strengthening the trade but choices are becoming difficult for both of them.

UK government and the cabinet are not going on the same line and it will make the situation become more difficult at the end of the day. India is also going towards the end of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with EU, although efforts are being made to agree on a common point.

Both the UK and India are suffering for now in one way or another. Some new developments further open up what is going around and what can benefit in the present scenario. Parcels to India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to India at the lowest rates online, for more info

Technology an important factor for both

Air Cargo

India and Britain are already cooperating and collaborating on various sectors and enhancing them more can give way to more business. Technology is an area where both can take advantage of. The UK has a developed technology and India has the work power that can take this technology to greater heights.

Together they can do miracles in this area particularly digital technology which is becoming very important to promote business in their respective countries. No matter what sector is discussed, technology plays its role everywhere in this era. So working on this ground can make the time more stable.

These companies are offering air cargo service from UK to India at cheapest online rates but with professional handling and setting new standards of services across India.

What is happening at present?

Cargo Business

For now, the biggest problem India is facing is that EU is not agreeing to what India is saying and vice versa and free trade agreement are on the verge of failure. Secondly, there is nothing clear till now and the time is nearing very speedily.

Even Prime Minister Theresa May herself does not know how her government is going to deal with this change. On one hand, UK is trying to get favours of EU deal already in place and EU is strictly denying any advantages being taken from it.

For now, the UK is making its internal factors come to a common point then how it can convince or make deals internationally for any kind of trade?

Will it do to minus anyone?

UK to India Shipping

The present times are indicating towards negative impacts on this triangle of there is no mid-way taken from the three. The UK is important to India and there is no doubt about that.

If the UK minus India so that the tangle can be solved somewhat than a major blow on its businesses across the border and within the territory is going to result. How many Indian citizens can be eradicated from the land, they are involved in major projects.

The UK does not have enough trained labour to tackle the situation. India, on the other hand, cannot complete many projects without the UK as serious aids are being provided to India for completion.

Get rid of anyone and that equilibrium which is in place for a long time is going to end resulting in many disturbances.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Indian Govt. considers ways to boost air travel and cargo facilities

Air Cargo

An investment of 1 Trillion is expected to upgrade small airports

Taking a step towards a more practical approach, the Indian government is seriously thinking of upgrading its small airports in order to handle more travellers and facilitate more cargo activity.

India is in the top charts of fastest growing economies around the world. The country’s government is well aware of the fact that logistics play a vital role in the growth of the economy and taking considerable steps to respond to every opportunity that comes knocking.

Realizing the surge in air traffic due to air cargo, India is planning to construct new airports and upgrade the smaller ones in order to accommodate the uprising.

Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu commented: "The ministry, in consultation with experts within India and outside, are finding out ways of creating new airports with less availability of land." Parcels to India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to India at the lowest rates online, for more info

India is gaining ground quite fast

Door To Door Cargo

India has significantly improved its ranking in Logistics Performance Index by World Bank by jumping from 54th place to 35th in just two years. The country associates great importance with logistics because it knows that along with boosting initiatives like Make in India, it also has the potential to increase the trade.

“Among other initiatives, the ministry is framing a cargo policy and suggested that airspace could be utilised at night for cargo traffic as commercial flight movement would be less.”, Suresh Prabhu said. Under this policy, the cargo terminals at airports will also undergo major improvements.

Such initiatives are welcomed by Indians warmly as they think they will lift the standard of their lives significantly. Moreover, they are also attracting major investments from different cargo companies specifically from the UK. These companies are offering door to door cargo service from UK to India at cheapest online rates but with professional handling and setting new standards of services across India.

Another good news for Indian freight enthusiasts is that Agility Emerging Markets Logistics Index 2017 has ranked India at the second spot in the index replacing UAE.

Perks of more smooth cargo services

Cargo Services

India’s flexible approach for the investors is undoubtedly helping it gain huge investments. It is also leading to the entry of new airlines and availability of new destinations by already existing airlines. There are a lot of Indians residing in UK and they love sending gifts and parcels to India from UK to their dear ones.

The coverage of new destinations by the airlines has made this task easier and faster for the expatriates. The Indian minister also stressed that efforts are being utilized for initiating aircraft manufacturing in India. He said if India does not already start manufacturing aircraft, it will have to buy thousands of planes in next few years to cater to all the passengers and cargo requirements.

Therefore, he thinks, Make in India initiative makes commercial sense.

The future of Cargo to India

Cargo to India

Thanks to such initiatives by the Indian government, air and sea cargo both sectors are set to flourish a great deal and undergo noteworthy growth in the coming years. India’s international freight traffic has seen a growth rate of 10.8 per cent, whereas the domestic cargo grew at the rate of 7.0 per cent.

This rapid growth is resulting in the overall increase of 9.3 per cent in total freight traffic. All these factors will add up to the overall economy of India and will ultimately result in uplifting the living standard of all the Indian citizens.

Monday 18 June 2018

Growing Indian Economy but is it enough

Indian Economy

Striving hard to be in the global race and leaving everything else

Indian has changed a lot from when it was under British rule and now that it has been independent for about 70 years. There are the industrial revolution and access to some big and leading economies.

Even it is contributing to those countries which were once ahead of them. There are traces that Indian economy has raised this year and ironically, the ladder is emerging from developed countries.

However, what is important here is that after such a rise in the trade side and foreign businesses working in the country, is the life of the poorest of people in the country getting any benefit. Parcels to India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to India at the lowest rates online, for more info

The poor are getting poorer living a life of animals and the middle class and above get the opportunity of going higher. The younger generation is getting used to change especially brought about by the overseas companies.

This is no doubt a good progress but there should be an education for the lower class to put efforts into improving their lives. This is where the developed countries surpass and feel no threat from this growth.

The UK still being a core investor

Air Cargo Services

After Mauritius and Singapore, UK is the third largest investor in India. Especially in the infrastructure of the country, UK has been investing a lot and the investment has risen through years.

The British businesses flourishing in the land are as much benefit to the locals as they are for the actual owners. Telecoms, sanitation, and transport projects offer huge opportunities for the UK groups to spread their wings. Parcel to India complete and efficient Air Cargo Services in the Industry.

These are the areas where still work has to be done for further progress in the lower sections of their society. For other areas, there is the energy sector and the renewable market which is showing to be a fruitful investment too.

The intelligent worker

Intelligent Worker

The young population is on the rise in India who is talented, skilled, and capable of dominating any economy. Take the example of the UK where there are more professionals from India working than their own workforce.

Although it is alarming for Britain, they have to accept the fact. In addition, a more interesting fact is that India is not alone in making investments, the UK also receives Indian investments, and the number is more than the combined EU.

So, both are interdependent on each other and have to maintain a peaceful and friendly relation to keep all the work going. However, the main case is that the UK can sustain in any situation and come back from any mishap, sadly, this is not the case with India due to weakness in its own system.

What else is going on?

Make in India

The campaign ‘make in India’ is a very thoughtful step from the strategy makers. Through this program, it is aimed to make India a global hub for manufacturing and improving the business environment for domestic as well as the foreign investors.

This means that India is doing its job well in producing opportunities in the trade sector and the present Prime Minister Modi is concerned about placing the country in a good as well as dominating position in the world market.

However, a long-lasting improvement can only result from giving the rightful place to every class and give them the right to live as human beings.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Keep the beloved Vehicle with you while traveling to India

Cargo this expensive item and have it delivered at your desired destination safely

Having your belongings send as cargo to India from UK is not a big task as both the countries has good ties and arrangements are being made to intensify them. However, when a thing as big as and as expensive as a vehicle is concerned, there can be a doubt from you of whom to trust. Parcels To India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to india at the lowest rates online, for more info

There are number of questions that comes to your mind like is a cargo company able enough to take care of your item along the journey? Then will it reach you or any other destination in one piece? For this, you have to look for a trusted one that is popular among the masses for such cargo exchange.


Surveying and looking at the comments from the customers will further give a helping hand.
 Importing a vehicle used or brand new to India from UK is not an impossible thing to accomplish. However, for this you should be fully aware of what to do and what not to do.

Not anything, which will go against the policy of India regarding this matter, can cross its boundary. This one thing should be cared for no matter what your situation is.

Ask the Freighters

The best way to get a thorough knowledge is to find a reliable freight forwarder and inquire any thing, which is in your mind. Only an expert can answer accurately and according to the latest rules and regulations.

Traveling to India

Getting help of a sending company will not only give you a clear picture, this can save you from a lot of hassle. Not every cargo company deals in sending this particular article. So look for the one that have a good reputation plus a skilled staff.

Things to be followed for new vehicles

There are some very tricky points to be kept in mind before a new car or any other transportation is going to be sent. The make should be totally out of India including assembling. Secondly, the sending country should be the one in which it was manufactured.

Then, it should not have been even registered or used for any other purpose before importing. A right-handed steering is necessary due to the local rules of traffic where only right-handed automobiles operate. Parcel to India complete and efficient Door to Door Sea Cargo Services in the Industry.

The speedometer should display the speed in kilometers per hour. Mumbai (Nhava Sheva), Kolkata or Chenai are the only ports where such a cargo can be received.

Vehicle shipping

Used cars also have some restrictions

The car should not be older than three years of its manufacturing. It should be registered, sold, leased or loaned before importing. The car must also have a certification of on road usage for at least five years after importing.

Right handed steering is necessary in this case also. The cylinder capacity should not exceed 3,000 cc. The same rule is for the speedometer for used transport that it should be displaying the speed in kilometers per hour.

The importing port for the used vehicle is only Mumbai (Nhava Sheva). The last one is that it should meet the requirements of Central Motor Vehicles Act 1988.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Geographical boundary of India allows to get lion share in regional cargo business of sub-continent

Indian internal cargo networking is very strong

Geographical boundaries have their effect on the cargo business of the country
Big countries have big opportunities to develop them by using their internal sources, they have.  If you have vast geographical boundaries around your country and have vast area to utilize for your country, it means you have better chance than others to survive in the race of economy. Parcels to India also has exceptional freight services as well as making us the best cargo services to India at the lowest rates online, for more info

Geography of India

India has very big land which is rich and fertile as well with full of natural sources and resources. Its markets are full of different types of stuff, produced in its different areas. Production is directly connected with your cargo business and your exports. If a country has things to exports in different areas of the world, it means it has great opportunity to generate revenue and moves its economy on solid grounds of the output of the land.

India is enjoying a vast land, though its population is problematic for its economy but the output of the country is more than the consumption just because of the big area. Big area means you have different weathers in your country who assures different types of products are there in your country for the whole year, which means the whole year you can move your international business in different aspects.

You need different types of international transport to move your things and cargo require in some other part of the world. You can get cargo business the whole year if you have vast fertile land as India has.

Strong and approachable outlets are asset for cargo business

India has good and enormous outlets to deliver products in all over the world and generate good revenue for economy. India has more than twelve big water outlets, good road connectivity and air routes to spread its products in all over the country.

Cargo Business

The main thing is inland routes connectivity with the international routes and outlets. If any country has good inland connectivity and its internal markets have good business, it means its international business is also good with good international links. India is a big country with vast area of land.

Its products are enormous and required good international outlets to develop a strong economy for the country. Strong inland links of different markets make the international connectivity easy and effective, and India has strong internal connectivity in its big markets and has strong connectivity with big international markets. Parcel to India complete and efficient Door to Door Sea Cargo Services in the Industry.

Country wins international trade due to its internal strong business and cargo movement

Big countries have potential to increase its internal business to revolve the wheel of economy. India is a vast land and has the potential to generate good internal business along with its great international cargo business. Its local markets generate good revenue for the country.

Cargo Movement

It provides good opportunity for the local businesspersons to get their share from the business. Big area means good usage of transport to deliver and supply of goods inland. Inland transportation system of India has great potential for its local cargo business community.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Safest way to send parcels from UK to India

Send your love for love ones back in India

When you are far away from your home and your country, life couldn’t be that much easier as it is in your home town. You work hard to earn good, for you and to make your family secure. You invest a lot in many things here in UK not in business but in further things like home appliances, cars, bikes and many other personal belongings. When time comes to move back, do you think what option you have for all the stuff you buy and used here?
You work here in UK and make good money, your family and friends wants you to send precious gifts for them. How do you think you can send their gifts overseas safely?
You are planning to spend your long vacations back to your home town but now you are facing a problem of excess luggage. Everything in your baggage is important you are not in a situation of lose anything from your baggage. What will you do now?
For all these problems, you don’t need to be worried anymore as air cargo and sea cargo services have solutions for all such kind of problems.
Safest way to send your personal belongings from UK to India
Parcels to India offers its quality services from past many years. Our aim is to facilitate you well by our quality services for your ease. Now there is no need to be worried if you want to ship your car or bike from UK to India or you have appliances and delicate electronics which is restricted to ship because of security concerns as parcelstoindia is an authorized cargo company with experts who are capable to deal with delicate electronics and appliances like laptops, mobile phones, fridge, LCD’s, microwave and many other things.

We facilitate you with our quality services of door to door cargo service, door to port, port to port and port to door cargo service. Not only this but also you can have air cargo service as well as sea cargo facility by us.
Looking for a cheapest way to send cargo from UK to India?
Our aim is to help you in the problematic situation you are facing for sending your personal belongings from UK to India. Which is why we offer our services at cheapest online rates all over the UK not only this but also a superlative facility of swift and safe on time delivery of your parcel to any part of India.

Our door to door cargo collection is efficient enough to your parcel from your door step with no matter how far and away you are from our cargo office. All these quality facilities we offer make parcel to india best among all our rivals and competitors.

Friday 12 January 2018

India has worthy cargo chains, nationally and internationally to get good cargo business

Cargo business works like a chain

Cargo business requires good connectivity in between different channels

There is no business in the world which starts and ends in itself. It requires different things except itself to flourish. Business needs relations and connectivity with different organizations, agencies and international links if you are dealing with international business. Cargo business is a business in which you require lots of links, lots of connections to get and deliver the goods and lots of connecting medium to complete the cargo chain. Indian cargo business is a dominating in all businesses due to good connectivity with rest of the world and due to good foreign policies, friendly to get different types of cargo from rest of the world. India is a big country with vast area and connectivity within different types of cargo transportation and mediums is the real strength of it. When you have vast area to cover then there is some good connectivity, required in different mediums of transportation. India has this good connectivity in between its different mediums of transportation to move its cargo business nationally and internationally.

Roads and rails play important role in this connectivity

Road network of any country plays an important role to complete the cargo chain of the country from the grass route level or fields to the ports or air cargo units. Good road connectivity means products of fields travel fast and reach its destinations as early as possible. 

This cargo business depends on the delivery time of products. Good road connectivity plays an important role in this circulation. Rail network is a very cheap and important part to deliver different and transport of different goods inland in time and it is used as co-transport which plays important role to transport things to the main terminals or ports of the country.

From grass route level up to the harbors good connectivity is the main source of availability of cargo goods

Cargo business works like a chain. In this chain each and every loop is very important, without any concern that whether it is the beginning, middle one and ending loop of the chain. All has its importance to make the chain business of cargo, strong. From grass route level availability of cargo goods to the local markets of the city and district then divisions then provinces and then countries involve in this business. It starts from grass route level and from local producer. Products’ availability is the most important thing in this business. This availability depends on the connectivity of each and every loop of this chain.

Ports and harbors are waiting for cargo goods to complete the chain

India has plenty of good ports and harbors working for its country and nation. They are working day and nights but the real source of their working is not they are in real but that chain which is working behind and collect the cargo goods from grass route level and transports them from fields to ports and harbors. 

Harbors and ports are working due to a mega chain and it is rightly said that no ports get cargo business without the business chain working behind the scene.